Business organizations are always on the lookout for employees with outstanding leadership qualities, communication skills, and project execution abilities. Skills have become an essential part of the present society. Technical skill development can help an individual with better prospects. With an aim to develop a pool of technically competent labor force, Government of Kerala has decided to take initiatives emphasizing development of skills through training the youth in latest technologies. It is also planned to take steps to bring back those who dropped their jobs, especially women, due to various reasons by updating their skills through training.
With an aim to become the Skill and Knowledge Development Centre (SKDC) of Kerala, CAPE wishes to associate with K-DISC and a Skill Partner of it for the achievement of the objectives. The proposed Courses of SKDC should be strongly rooted in a philosophy of training that emphasizes the intimate relationships between knowledge and its application and seeks to promote the creation of an ideal society having a power bank of Skill and Knowledge. After completing the courses, SKDC ‘s trainees should get sufficient knowledge and skill with an edge over others and further refine these essential skills, thereby increasing competence, confidence, and marketability. Nine engineering colleges and one Management Institute of CAPE situated in 8 districts can be utilized for imparting training in the 8 districts.
Our team at CEP office along with the faculties are expert in using the right mix of learning methodologies, with a clear view of the desired goals.
Objectives of SKDC:
The objectives of SKDC can be stated as follows
- Become the Skill and Knowledge Development Centre of Kerala by associating with K-DISC as a Skill Partner
- Establish a supportive eco system for Skill development across the state that facilitates a knowledge society.
- Provide support to the Government in establishing Skill Centers in key areas of the Knowledge Economy
- Strengthen the skills, behaviors and attitudes of knowledge economy talent pool, particularly of the youth to eliminate barriers to physical, human and knowledge capital
- Establish and enforce acceptable standards for skill training in the state by creating a sound quality assurance framework for skilling.
- Build capacity for skill development in critical un-organized sectors and provide pathways for re- skilling and up-skilling workers in these identified sectors.
- Develop a network of quality instructors/trainers in the skill development ecosystem by establishing high quality teacher training programmes.
- Support weaker and disadvantaged sections of society through focused outreach programmes and targeted skill development activities.
- Train students and the general population with skills that improve their employability.
- Train Engineering graduates and Diploma holders in the new generation courses like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Block Chain, Cyber Security, Data Science, Internet of Things, Virtual and Augmented reality.
- Conduct Training on Soft Skills, Communication Skills, and basic accounting skills for Employers of Government departments
- Train rural people in the field of Electrical Wiring, Plumbing, Carpentry, Welding, Aluminum Fabrication, Embroidery Works and Construction related courses.
- Offer coaching for various competitive Examinations including KEAM, LET a n d G A T E.
- Conduct coaching classes for Civil Service Examinations.
- Reinforce and strengthen the training programmes for Cooperative Bank employees in the context of establishment of Kerala Bank.
- Design, formulate and conduct training programmes in the thematic areas of Renewable energy, Disaster management, Climate change, Precision agriculture, Urban farming and Water resources.
- Provide career guidance and training to the students seeking international jobs.
- Conduct international language courses for those seeking jobs at abroad.
- Conduct eligibility test for higher studies abroad.
Advisory Board
- Minister of Co-operation – Chairman
- Government Secretary – Vice Chairman
- Masonry – Laterite, Brick, Paver blocks
- Registrar Co-operative Society - Member
- CAPE Director - Member
- K-Disc Member Secretory/ Representative- Member
- ASAP Director/Representative- Member
- KTU Vice Chancellor/ Representative – Member
- One expert nominated by Government
- Member representing Planning board
- Director ACSTI
- Director SKDC - Member Secretary.
- Director, School of Management studies under CAPE
- Principal from CAPE engineering colleges under CAPE nominated by Government.
Academic Council
- Chairman – Government Secretary
- Registrar of Co-operative Societies
- Director CAPE
- Director K-Disc
- Director SKDC
- Representative from Finance Department
- Director School of Management Studies under CAPE
- Two principals from CAPE Engineering Colleges nominated by Government
The inauguration of Skill and Knowledge Development Centre (SKDC) Kannur-Wayanad district
Nodal center held at College of Engineering, Thalassery was conducted on 7 th June 2022, Tuesday.
The presidential address was given by Principal Dr.Beena V I. Shri. A.N Shamseer MLA inaugurated
the function by lightening the lamp. The program was felicitated by Mr. Jayachandran
(Administrative officer), Mr.Siju.K (SKDC Nodal officer),Mr. Jinesh S (Staff advisor),Mr. Anoop
K(faculty in charge arts),Mr.Biju N R(Staff club secretary),Mr.Rinil K R(Alumni secretary).Mr.
Usman Koya (Green campus coordinator),Mr. Suresh Babu (PTA Vice-president).
Currently SKDC is conducting “Training Program on Computer Fundamentals” for Elected Members
of Local Bodies, by signing MoU with KILA (Kerala institute of local administration). The first
phase was already successfully completed with 8 batches of participants. The second phase is
scheduled from July2023 to October 2023.