College provides the various games and sports facilities within the college campus and outside the campus. Future of a nation is healthy only when its people are physically fit and strong. COET lays adequate stress on physical fitness and mental agility. Sports and games activities form an integral part of education here. Yoga and Meditation classes are conducted to inculcate self-discipline and self-control. While Yoga keeps the body fit and active, meditation provides mental agility that is essential while pursuing strenuous professional courses. Facilities and infrastructure are in place for students to pursue sports activities of their choice. Trained professionals offer coaching in various sports disciplines. Students of COET have won laurels and have entered the institution's hall of fame with their achievements. Games like; Volleyball, cricket, Football and Badminton are regularly played in the campus.he college has a permanent Volleyball court and a Shuttle court. We had purchased sports gears for all major games like Football, Shuttle, Cricket, and Volley Ball and also for Athletics. The College participated in University sports organized by CUSAT/KTU and has established themselves as major contenders. Exceptionally talented students are encouraged to take special sports facilities like coaching and shine. Today, sports are being looked upon as an alternate career option.